I reported last week that I had received three extremely positive reviews for my latest book, titled Where the f**k is Blönduòs? I can now add that I have received several more. I firstly must say that I doubted I would receive such reviews unless they were paid for. The reviews I have received are genuine, free of charge, and provided from professional and non-professional book reviewers, with no direct contact or input from me whatsoever. This is why I cherish them dearly. I agreed to take part in a book review road trip, something I have not done before, and was extremely nervous that such a critical audience may dislike my work. I am so grateful they not only liked the book but also praised the entire subject as well as my writing skills and entertainment value as an author. As a self-published author, it is these moments that remind me to keep going and follow my writing dreams. Below are some of the links to follow, and be sure too to check out Instagram, X- Twitter, and Threads. A heartfelt thank you to all those who took part in the road trip, and equally to those who simply contact me through my website and social media to express their enjoyment of my books. #palamedespr #randomthingstours #wherethefkisblonduos #emmastrandbergbooks #fullybooked #ngp
The following links are just some of the reviews received this year.